Genomic Services |
Protein Services |
Located in rooms
B065 and B017
- What is the turn-around time?
- What is the minimum scale for a purified oligo?
- What kind of method used for purification?
- How good is the purification?
- What is the maximum length can you make?
- Do you make labeled oligonucleotides?
- What is the turn-around time? (back to top)
Turn-around time: We offer next-day service.
For long (70 mer or more) and purified oligos, it may take more than one day.
For modified oligos, it may take 2 to 3 days depends on the availability of the modifier.
For RNAs, it takes at least 2 days to get the final product.
- What is the minimum scale for a purified oligo? (back to top)
We recommend 40nmol scale for a purified oligo. If you need more, you can order .2umol or 1umol scale.
- What kind of method used for purification? (back to top)
We use Poly-Pak cartridges for purification. We do not use PAGE or HPLC, which will cost more and take longer
time to purify.
- How good is the purification? (back to top)
We usually get around 95% of purity and up for a purified oligo.
- What is the maximum length can you make? (back to top)
We have successfully made upto 160-base oligo.
- Do you make labeled oligonucleotides?(back to top)
We can make any modified oligo if the modifier is commercially available.