Genomic Services |
Protein Services |
Located in rooms
B065 and B017
- Ideally, samples should contain pure protein. This is crucial for the success of the analysis and for the proper maintenance of our equipment.
- Best technique is to electroblot your sample onto PVDF membrane. We recommend 100 pmol of protein for best results; blotted samples must contan at least 20 pmol of protein and you may get by with a mere 5 pmol for samples dried or in solution. “More is always better”. If you intend to submit a sample in solution, it is best to discuss the project with Dick Winant first.
- Please let us know the protein’s molecular weight and species of origin. Also, it is extremely helpful if you let us know the source of possible contaminating proteins. For example, if your sample may contain IgG or tissue culture constituents or if the sample has been obtained from a recombinant host, we would like to know this sort of thing in advance.
Please place your order through our online ordering system.