Genomic Services |
Protein Services |
Located in rooms
B065 and B017
** Please check for the appropriate sample submission requirements for each machine before placing your orders.
Agilent Bioanalyzer QC : (back to top)
• Sample Concentration Requirements --
Please use the following table as a guide to get the right concentration for your samples for the assay requested.
Starting Material |
Sample Type |
Assay Type |
Size Analysis Range |
* Sample Concentration
- Detection Range |
dsDNA, cDNA, genomic DNA, NGS DNA |
• DNA 1000 |
• High-Sensitivity DNA |
25 - 1000 bp |
50 - 7000 bp |
1ng/ul-50ng/ul |
5pg/ul-5ng/ul |
Total RNA, mRNA, cRNA, fragmented RNA, microRNA |
• Nano RNA (Eukaryote, Plant, Prokaryote) |
• Pico RNA (Eukaryote, Plant, Prokaryote) |
• Small RNA (6-150 nt) |
25 - 4000 nt |
25 - 4000 nt |
6 - 150 nt |
5ng/ul-500ng/ul |
50pg/ul-10ng/ul |
50pg/ul-2ng/ul |
* Although the Bioanalyzer is capable of detecting the lowest concentration amounts shown, we would recommend to have your sample(s) in the higher detection range for better results. |
• Sample Submission --
Samples should be submitted and labeled as followed:
- Volume: 3ul (for DNA/RNA samples) -- NOT your entire stock.
- Labels (on tube, clearly): Customer initials_ last 3 digits of the Run number shown on the order summary.
** After placing your order online, please bring your samples along with a copy of the order summary to PAN, Beckman Center, Rm. B065. Place your order form in the bin on the white freezer door. The samples should be placed in the appropriate rack in the freezer, top shelf, for either DNA or RNA samples. |
Fragment Analzyer QC : (back to top)
• Sample Concentration Requirements --
Please use the following table as a guide to get the right concentration for your samples for the assay requested.
Starting Material |
Assay Type |
Size Analysis Range |
* Sample Concentration
Detection Range |
**DNA |
• NGS Library QC (High Sensitivity) |
• Large Fragment QC (High Sensitivity) |
**RNA |
• Small RNA |
• RNA (Standard Sensitivity) |
• RNA (High Sensitivity) |
5nt - 200nt |
15nt - 6000nt |
15nt - 6000nt |
50pg/ul - 2ng/ul |
25ng/ul - 500ng/ul |
500pg/ul - 5ng/ul |
* Although the Fragment Analyzer is capable of detecting the lowest concentration amounts shown, we would recommend to have your sample(s) in the higher detection range for better results.
**We currently have in stock the HS NGS Fragment Kit (1-6000bp). Orders for other assays may be delayed depending on the avaibility of the reagents.
• Sample Submission --
Samples should be submitted in plate format and labeled as followed:
- Volume: 2ul per well. Please leave one well for ladder control - preferably well H12. Please let us know, if otherwise.
- Labels: Please email panbioanalyzer@stanford.edu the names of your samples, if not default, in this order A1-A12, B1-B12, etc.
** After placing your order online, please bring your sample plate(s) along with a copy of the order summary to PAN, Beckman Center, Rm. B065. Place your order form in the bin on the white freezer door and the plate(s) on the top shelf inside. |